Bigfoot Sussex hits home on drugs
Monday 26 March 2012
Homepage »Kevin Holland, Bigfoot Chieftain for Sussex provided a one hour workshop at the West Sussex PSHE conference for Drugs Alcohol and Tobacco Awareness in Eastbourne early this week...
The conference supports the latest PSHE Review which would liek to see more drugs education taking place in schools.
Bigfoots invovement in the conference was to demonstrate how these sensitive issues can be taught in schools through creative means such as drama and performance, hilighting Bigfoot's very own programme 'Have You Heard?' whch has gained much recognition from various LEA's across the country.
Feedback from the event was extremely positive:
Hi Kevin, Just a quick note to say ‘thank-you’ for supporting our conference yesterday – your session went down extremely well with the delegates and it was a hard act to follow when we went into our workshops! - Best wishes, Jan Gouveia, School Improvement