Mantle of the Expert

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An enquiry-based approach to cross-curricular working...


Based on the practice of Dr. Dorothy Heathcote, Kevin Holland (Bigfoot Chieftain for Brighton) has created units of work using the Mantle of the Expert approach. Using a range of drama strategies the class become a ‘responsible group’ always with a challenge of helping a ‘client’ in need…

Kevin has had opportunities to develop units of work through his projects with Creative Partnerships and has most recently delivered INSET for Brighton and Hove LA with a focus on raising attainment in numeracy.

Bigfoot are excited to offer the following opportunities for all schools, for all areas of the curriculum.

  • Full INSET day for the whole school
  • Block residencies in schools using Mantle to develop an area of learning
  • Mantle Supply Days - Specific tailored days to cover your teachers

Mantle is a fantastic way of engaging the whole class within the fictitious world of the company. The journey, the experience and the learning is unlike any other form of learning. Projects can run from one day to two terms, covering one or multiple curriculum areas.Schools are advised to continue using Mantle as often as possible until the skills and systems are embedded within the classroom.

Plaese for more information on Bigfoot and Mantle of the Expert.

This is not just creative teaching, it is teaching for creativity!!

You see more opportunities to make it fun for you and the children; you can really fly with it!

Now when we plan for a topic, we think how we can use the ‘mantle’ approach…we feel sorry for classes not doing it!

Teachers from Balfour Junior School, Brighton