Bigfoot North East goes MANTLE!
Tuesday 10 September 2013
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6 of our Bigfooters are very excited to have received training by Mantle of the Expert practitioner and all round Mantle guru, Kevin Holland from Bigfoot Brighton, ready for the new school year!
Bigfoot have been making some exciting changes to how they will be delivering PPA and Creative Supply cover as from now on children will be hooked by their topic work as a team of responsible experts, undertaking an exciting range of drama tasks for their ‘client’ in need of a solution.
These programmes can be delivered through a one-off day or through a whole term of engagement with a class but no doubt will offer fantastic opportunities for schools to use Bigfoot to either launch or create a hook as they introduce new topic work or to keep them revved up all term long. This approach to learning can take the most mundane of subjects and bring it to life, from history to science, watch as Bigfoot excites your class about learning like nothing you’ve seen before!
Bigfoot in the North East are currently offering a special introduction rate for GO MANTLE days. Book your day any time in September for just £195 instead of the usual price of £225!